Lineman Boots Vs Logger Boots – Difference Between Two
Lineman boots and logger boots share a lot of standard features. Both of these boots have durable leather construction, good arch support, protective toe caps, etc.
It may seem that logger boots and lineman boots are very similar, but they are quite different due to their different functions.
Their unique design and exceptional properties provide protection for loggers and electricity pole workers. They differ considerably from other boots like working boots and hiking boots because of their extraordinary features.
Despite having many common features that make logger boots and lineman boots look alike, each of them has its own distinctive characteristics that make them appropriate for specific uses.
Logger boots are worn by those who work in the logging industry, and lineman boots by people who deal with trees and electricity.
Logger Boots Vs Lineman Boots – The Differences

In contrast to lineman boots, logger boots have different characteristics. Logger boots have higher heels, a low height, and they’re lighter than lineman boots because they’re used to walking over rough, wet terrain.
On the other hand, climbers’ boots are rigid, so their feet cannot twist when climbing poles or towers. In addition, Lineman boots are also useful for climbing trees and poles.
Linemen actually wear special climbing irons while climbing. So, when they climb, the design of lineman boots actually protects them. Logger boots are made with caulks on their outsoles in order to provide maximum traction so that loggers can roll logs.
Let’s start with the basics.
What Are Logger Boots?

The boots are made out of leather, steel, carbon fiber, and composite materials.
Logger boots are heavy-duty, high-quality work boots. This boot is mainly used by loggers, hunters, land surveyors, and occasionally by bikers.
In addition to being heavy, these boots have steel shanks and raised heels that provide the utmost support and comfort.
In these boots, the lace pattern extends from toe to lace. The average height is between 8 and 10 inches.
What Are Lineman Boots?

Leather is the material of choice for lineman boots. For linemen, tree service technicians, climbers, etc., offer the best protection for their feet.
Despite the fact that they’re heavy, they’re supportive and stable. There are many types of traditional ones that consist of lace from top to bottom. These boots range in height from 12 inches to 20 inches.
Width of Boots
The interior of lineman boots is slightly wider than the interior of logger boots. Your weight will be evenly distributed across the soles of these boots because of the broader interiors.
By distributing the weight uniformly across the boot, there are fewer pressure points, which provides the most stability while working on poles and climbing.
Furthermore, you will be able to maintain your balance more easily with boots like this. On the other hand, the logger boots do not have this feature, as they are used mostly on the ground and are not as important as those that are intended for climbing poles.
The Flexibility Of The Soles
Lineman’s boots have less flexibility than logger boots. However, in order to prevent the shoes from twisting during climbing electric poles or ladders, lineman boots generally have rigid soles.
As opposed to heavy boots, lightweight logger boots have flexible and sturdy soles to make walking more comfortable while providing adequate protection for your feet.
Weight Of The Boots
Compared to logging boots with spikes, lineman boots are heavier. This is because linemen spend most of their time on electric poles or towers made of steel or wood. Thus, they are constructed with heavyweight, robust materials.
Loggers, on the other hand, spend a lot of time on the ground. Their boots are tailored with lightweight and durable materials to protect their feet from friction, abrasion, and hard impacts.
Steel Side Plates
Boots designed for lineman climbers feature steel side plates that prevent abrasions when climbing trees and electric poles. Also, the poles and boots do not come in contact with each other, which protects them from wear and tear.
Furthermore, since steel side plates attach the lineman boots and climbing irons, a better grip can be accomplished. However, due to their use on the ground, logger boots are not equipped with steel plates.
Heel Size Differences
Lineman boots have a lower heel height than logger boots. It is possible to walk on wet logs while wearing larger heels. Additionally, the larger heels improve foot comfort while walking on forest debris.
In addition, you are able to maneuver the rugged forest terrain with ease due to the sizeable heels. On the other hand, lineman boots are designed with lower heels because they are primarily used to climb poles, an activity that doesn’t call for high heels.
The False Tongue

False tongues are 8″ (20 cm) long strips of leather with serrated edges at the bottom, secured by the bootlace passing through the bottom eyelets. Whether you use them depends on you. You can use them and leave them out.
The logger and lineman boot is highly revered by some people, and they believe it is the epitome of a boot. According to others, they resemble golf shoes. In the northwest forests of the US, you won’t see many loggers without a false tongue in their boots.
A false tongue was originally designed to provide cushioning between the bootlaces and the feet instep in logger boots. A tongue made of thin leather was needed for boots with laces that wear down the tongue.
Wesco boots use a fully gusseted tongue made from thick, supple leather, and therefore no false tongue is required. This accessory traditionally complements the boot.
Manufacturers Of Lineman Boots And Logger Boots
Many small logger manufacturers have gone out of business or merged into larger companies such as Hoffman, Viberg, and Whites. These were primarily found in traditional logging areas, including Washington, British Columbia, Wyoming, and Oregon.
Dayton’s has recently switched to fashionable boots in Vancouver, BC. When Danner switched to Fort Hardy about 12 years ago, it ceased making excellent lineman and logger boots.
As a consequence, their boots are now made overseas using the conglomerate’s original, excellent lasts, causing them to lose their quality. Nowadays, even the military wears Lewis-style Gortex-lined boots.
As a company, Red Wings used to make decent quality logger boots. However, since their boots are made offshore, their quality has gone from bad to worse because they don’t pay enough attention to quality and consistency.
Frequently Asked Questions
1/ What Is The Purpose Of The High Heels On Logger Boots?
When you walk or stand on slimy logs, wet floors, or slippery surfaces, these heels will provide traction to your feet, making it easier for you to stay upright.
2/ How Come Lineman Boots Are So Tall?
Generally, these boots are 12 inches tall. The ankle support protects your upper foot and lower leg. Furthermore, their footbeds are more stable.
3/ What Are The Tassels On Logger Boots For?
As an additional guard and protector for your boots, the tassels act like a brush, keeping dirt, dust, and other debris from getting into the boots.
4/ Which Material Is Ideal For Lineman Boots?
Lineman boots are made of full-grain leather from cowhide, sheepskin, and other dried skins of animals.
Final Words
As a result, understanding how Lineman Boots differ from Logger Boots is vital to understanding the unique applications of each shoe.
Furthermore, you need to determine the type of boots appropriate for a specific task based on the distinguishing features. For example, it should not be difficult to tell the difference between climbing boots and logger boots.